Open Letter

Dong Hung Accounting Service Company Limited is pleasure to send our honour to all of you. We would like to wish you success in business.
As you know, accounting and tax is very important and effects to operation and development of an enterprise. Many enterprised have difficulties in implementing accounting tasks, declaring and paying taxes, or have not obtained results successfully in recording and using accounting information, and complying Vietnamese accounting standards and accounting regulations as well.
Consequently, our mission is to provide the best solutions of accounting and tax for helping you to know clearly about your current operational status and predict the performance of the business in future, to enhance the effectiveness in managing the accounts, to limit business risks of your company and the most important thing is that the board of directors has neccessary information to make the right decisions for the development of the business. 
With our significant experience and reputation in the field of accounting and tax, you do completely feel full trust on our professional services. Your company will also have a professional accounting system with a low cost without spending a lot of time and expenditure of employing accountants for the office.
Last but not least, with the experienced accounting staff, we commit to serve all of you efficiently and devotedly in all issues relating to accounting and tax. Beside that, we shall associate your business’s growth with the survival of our company. 
Dong Hung Accounting Service Co, Ltd is expected to acknowledge the interests from you, our valuable partners
Lets Grow Together

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